PHP - My SQL (Chapter - 8: PHP Files and File System Functions)

Opening Closing Reading Writing & Deleting Files, Filesystem Functions

1. Opening & Closing Files

The ability to manipulate files can be both fun and useful. The first step of the process would be to identify the file that you want to manipulate, and open it.

PHP uses the fopen() function for the purpose of opening an existing file or creating a new file if the specified file does not already exist. The function syntax is: fopen(filename, method);

It is probably obvious that "filename" refers to the name (and also the path) of the file, but method may not be quite as obvious. It refers to the type of access that is allowed each time the file is opened. The most common options are:

Mode Description
r Open for reading only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file.
r+ Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file.
w Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.
w+ Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file and truncate the file to zero length. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.
a Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.
a+ Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.
x Create and open for writing only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file. If the file already exists, the fopen() call will fail by returning FALSE and generating an error of level E_WARNING. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.
x+ Create and open for reading and writing; otherwise it has the same behavior as 'x'.
c Open the file for writing only. If the file does not exist, it is created. If it exists, it is neither truncated (as opposed to 'w'), nor the call to this function fails (as is the case with 'x'). The file pointer is positioned on the beginning of the file.
c+ Open the file for reading and writing; otherwise it has the same behavior as 'c'.

When using fopen(), a file handle is returned which identifies the open file connection and will later be used to read/write/close the file, all very important steps. We can store that file handle in a variable. Let's look at some examples of how to open a file.

     $FileHandle1 = fopen('storage.txt', 'w');

     $FileHandle2 = fopen('', 'a+') or die("Uh-oh! Errors!");

    $FileName = "directory-path-to-file/filename.php";

    $FileHandle3 = fopen($FileName, 'r');

So as you can see, you can mix and match your options as needed to get the job done.

The most important part of opening a file is remembering to close it when you are done editing. The fclose() function accepts one parameter, that parameter being the file handle of the open file that needs closed.

    $FileHandle1 = fopen('storage.txt', 'w');

    $FileHandle2 = fopen('', 'a+') or die("Uh-oh! Errors!");

    $FileName = "/directory-path-to-file/filename.php";
    $FileHandle3 = fopen($FileName, 'r');

If you are getting errors when trying to open/edit/close files, it might be because PHP does not have permission to edit files on the server. You will need write permission enabled in the directory that the file is stored in.

Next up, we will learn how to read and write to files.


Function Description
fopen() Opens a File Or a URL
fclose() Closes An Open File Pointer

2. Reading Files

In order to read a file, the file must first be opened with the appropriate mode to allow you to perform the function(s) that you have planned.

Three different functions are useful for reading files.

Function Description
feof() Tests For End-of-File On a File Pointer
fgets() Gets Line From File Pointer
fread() Binary-Safe File Read
filesize() Gets the Size Of a Given File

The end-of-file test function, feof(), is commonly used along with the fgets() function to get (read) the entire contents of a file, one line at a time. The filesize() function is commonly used along with the fread() function to read an entire file, otherwise fread() requires that a length/limit be specified and will stop reading the file once that length (number of bytes) has been reached.

Let's look at some examples before we continue.

     $FileName = "test.txt";
    $FileHandle = fopen($FileName, 'r') or die("File Cannot Be Opened");
    $FileData = fread($FileHandle, filesize($FileName));


The above example opens a file and stores the entire contents of the file in a variable before closing the file. The variable containing the file's contents can then be used as needed.

     $FileName = "test.txt";
    $FileHandle = fopen($FileName, 'r') or die("File Cannot Be Opened");
    while (!feof($FileHandle)) {
        echo fgets($FileHandle) . '<br>';


The above code opens a file and, while the file still contains unread data, reads each line and displays it before closing the file.

Next, we will learn how to write data to a file.


Function Description
feof() Tests For End-of-File On a File Pointer
fgets() Gets Line From File Pointer
fread() Binary-Safe File Read
filesize() Gets the Size Of a Given File

3. Writing to Files

In order to write to a file, the file must first be opened with the appropriate mode to allow you to perform the function(s) that you have planned.

After the file is opened we can use the fwrite() function to write to the file. Two parameters are required; the file identification handle and the data to write to the file. The syntax is: fwrite(handle, data);

    $FileData = "What is the difference between a cat and a comma?\n";
    $FileName = "joke.txt";
    $FileHandle = fopen($FileName, 'w') or die("File Cannot Be Opened or Created");
    fwrite($FileHandle, $FileData);


In the above example we used "w" access to open the file, meaning that it was opened for writing only, and any existing contents of the file were erased. Then we wrote our line of text to the file. The "\n" at the end of the string is a carriage return, or newline character, indicating to the file that the line has ended and the file pointer should jump to the next line down. It will not show up when you read the contents of the file.

By opening the file with another access key, such as "a", we can add data to the end of the file without wiping out the existing contents of the file. This action is also known as "appending".

     $FileData = "One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.\n";
     $FileName = "joke.txt";
     $FileHandle = fopen($FileName, 'a') or die("File Cannot Be Opened or Created");
     fwrite($FileHandle, $FileData);


Now, if we were to read our "joke.txt" file, we would see the following:

What is the difference between a cat and a comma?
One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.


Function Description
fwrite() Binary-Safe File Write

4. Deleting Files

Files can be deleting using the unlink() function. As will all functions that remove data, make double sure that you really want the data gone for good, and that you don't delete the wrong data!

To lessen confusion, make sure that your file is closed before you try to delete/unlink it. Then, a single line of code with do the trick:



It's as easy as that!


Function Description
unlink() Deletes a File

5. Filesystem Functions

Filesystem functions allow you to access and to manipulate various aspects of the filesystem. Just about any function you could dream of needing (and some you might never need) can be found in the following list.

Function Description
basename Returns trailing name component of path
chgrp Changes file group
chmod Changes file mode
chown Changes file owner
clearstatcache Clears file status cache
copy Copies file
delete See unlink or unset
dirname Returns parent directory's path
disk_free_space Returns available space on filesystem or disk partition
disk_total_space Returns the total size of a filesystem or disk partition
diskfreespace Alias of disk_free_space
fclose Closes an open file pointer
feof Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer
fflush Flushes the output to a file
fgetc Gets character from file pointer
fgetcsv Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields
fgets Gets line from file pointer
fgetss Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
file_exists Checks whether a file or directory exists
file_get_contents Reads entire file into a string
file_put_contents Write a string to a file
file Reads entire file into an array
fileatime Gets last access time of file
filectime Gets inode change time of file
filegroup Gets file group
fileinode Gets file inode
filemtime Gets file modification time
fileowner Gets file owner
fileperms Gets file permissions
filesize Gets file size
filetype Gets file type
flock Portable advisory file locking
fnmatch Match filename against a pattern
fopen Opens file or URL
fpassthru Output all remaining data on a file pointer
fputcsv Format line as CSV and write to file pointer
fputs Alias of fwrite
fread Binary-safe file read
fscanf Parses input from a file according to a format
fseek Seeks on a file pointer
fstat Gets information about a file using an open file pointer
ftell Returns the current position of the file read/write pointer
ftruncate Truncates a file to a given length
fwrite Binary-safe file write
glob Find pathnames matching a pattern
is_dir Tells whether the filename is a directory
is_executable Tells whether the filename is executable
is_file Tells whether the filename is a regular file
is_link Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link
is_readable Tells whether a file exists and is readable
is_uploaded_file Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST
is_writable Tells whether the filename is writable
is_writeable Alias of is_writable
lchgrp Changes group ownership of symlink
lchown Changes user ownership of symlink
link Create a hard link
linkinfo Gets information about a link
lstat Gives information about a file or symbolic link
mkdir Makes directory
move_uploaded_file Moves an uploaded file to a new location
parse_ini_file Parse a configuration file
parse_ini_string Parse a configuration string
pathinfo Returns information about a file path
pclose Closes process file pointer
popen Opens process file pointer
readfile Outputs a file
readlink Returns the target of a symbolic link
realpath_cache_get Get realpath cache entries
realpath_cache_size Get realpath cache size
realpath Returns canonicalized absolute pathname
rename Renames a file or directory
rewind Rewind the position of a file pointer
rmdir Removes directory
set_file_buffer Alias of stream_set_write_buffer
stat Gives information about a file
symlink Creates a symbolic link
tempnam Create file with unique file name
tmpfile Creates a temporary file
touch Sets access and modification time of file
umask Changes the current umask
unlink Deletes a file

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Welcome to HoneyBee - The Learning Platform

By Binit Patel

HoneyBee is a learning platform which is an integrated set of informative online services that enable learners involved in education with information, tools and resources to support and enhance Teaching, Learning and Management.

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